Step 2: Design Strategy

Design Strategy

About this training module

Need to develop a KM strategy? Learn about the key elements that go into a KM strategy in this training module and find several sample KM strategies.

Effective knowledge management (KM) interventions in global health must be supported by a well-designed strategy. A well-designed KM strategy that is based on audience needs provides direction for KM activities and ensures resources are used effectively.


In this training module, training participants will learn how to develop a sound KM strategy that includes:

  • Theoretical framework
  • Definition of audiences
  • KM objectives
  • Planned KM approaches and technologies
  • Implementation plan
  • Monitoring and evaluation plan

What training participants will learn

Understand the value of a well-designed KM strategy

Describe the key elements that make up a KM strategy

Understand the added value of a theoretical foundation for a KM strategy

Describe how a KM strategy supports organizational and project activities

Explain what makes for good KM goals and objectives

Draft a timeline for implementing a KM strategy

This module includes:

Click on the Training Materials tab above to access the files.

1 slide deck

2 exercises

13 samples/templates

Bonus materials:

2 readings related to theories relevant for KM

1 guide for developing a KM strategy

Are you a:

KM trainer looking to design and lead a KM workshop? Learn how to build your own custom workshop agenda that’s right for your audience. See a sample training agenda for Step 2: Design Strategy

Health professional wanting to learn more about KM on your own or looking for practical KM tools? Find out which materials are right for you and how to make the most out of this KM Training Package website