About this training module
Learn how to use Net-Map, an interview-based mapping tool to help people visualize the different actors that influence outcomes, to plan your KM initiative in this module.
Net-Map, developed by Eva Schiffer, is a participatory approach for visualizing, discussing, analyzing, and improving influence networks. It is a low-tech, low-cost, participatory approach that is generally intuitive and easy to understand across cultures. Net-Map provides a flexible framework and can be used for formative needs assessments, developing processes, or as a problem solving approach. It can help answer questions like:
- Who can influence our success?
- What formal and informal channels can we use?
- Who is influential? Who are the core actors?
- What are their roles? What are their goals?
- What are the networks of stakeholders?
- Have we collaborated with these networks/organizations in the past?
- What are potential coalitions and bottlenecks?
This module includes:
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Bonus materials:
Are you a:
KM trainer looking to design and lead a KM workshop? Learn how to build your own custom workshop agenda that’s right for your audience.
Health professional wanting to learn more about KM on your own or looking for practical KM tools? Find out which materials are right for you and how to make the most out of this KM Training Package website.
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